Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kartsy is a tad bit onry this morning

Have to post this ---

While watching Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs with Ava this morning, I got the little "whistle while you work" tune stuck in my head and started whistling it ....

I think this video speaks for its self on how Karsten felt about it... can't imagine how he would have responded if i started singing...


Monday, December 3, 2012

Too dang cute.

I come home from work. All the drawers are open, crafts, coloring books and cookies are on the table, and my mom is pulling my niece around the house in a blanket while my cute lil nephew sits in his chair and eats little treats that are far from short supply. 

I swear, these kids are SO spoiled by my mom and dad is ridiculous -- but look at those faces! I am defiantly not ready for a child of my own any time soon, but I want to say how thankful i am for these two little people in my life. Kids are so innocent and happy, its hard not to be positive around them. The other day we were standing in front of the elevator doors waiting for them to open. As the lights went down the floors Ava said, "Look aunt Tay-tee, its loading." HA! These are the moments I never want to forget. I am so thankful for my family. They are my everything.

Ava made sugar cookies with grandma... things got a little  messy. Obviously.

Karsten being his happy little self, just chillin in his chair. LOVE HIM!

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Last Birdy Thanksgivin'

Soooooo, when holidays come around and all your siblings are married and its just the parentals and you, what do you do? GO BIG OR GO HOME! Happy Thanksgiving to us, we weren't going to slave away the glorious day in the kitchen - Nope - we were going to let someone else do it for us, of course after hitting the mountain for opening day snowboarding!

Thanksgiving was awesome this year. I was thinking i might be a little bummed that everyone was off doing their own thing but it turned out to be a really great day. I woke up (from the little sleep i was able to get, due to me extreme excitement , threw on all my gear, picked up the boys, and drove up to Snowbasin for opening day of the season. There was a line when we got there, not too large yet though. We waited for a bit, saying hi to friends and vibing off of everyone's excitement and energy. Although the lines were long, the people were packkeeeddd everrryyywhere and the snow was actually ice, it was a fun way to start off the day and the season.
Mikelle and I waiting in for the lift. It's going to be a gooooood season!

After a few runs down the mountain of ICE we decided it was time to head home. After we got all ready and hung out for a little bit it was time for the feast. Where better to go than RODIZIO GRILL in Trolley Square? That has to be the feast of feasts and we loved every second of it. After bites of different various foods my mom would joke, "These are the best mashed potatoes i have ever made!" Yes, it was different from the traditional "family, turkey, home" thanksgiving but life changes and so do we -- you just gotta go with the flow!
Happy Thanksgiving --- How blessed i truly have been to have my amazing parents for best friend

Monday, November 19, 2012

That's Pretty Neat!

"For me, nature is one of the neatest things on this planet. Thats why Rodney and I started Nature Walk, cause we want everyone to know how neat nature is, instead of just me and Rodney knowin it."


Well, after watching Nature Walk - Episode 1, I'm hooked on nature. Fall and Winter are such pretty seasons! I've been blessed to grow up "out in the boons" you could say. Driving down the road, windows down, music up, and fields lining both sides of the street is a freeing and relaxing feeling. My mom is always saying, "We are lucky! People always say how hawaii has such beautiful sunsets...Utah sunsets are so much better!" hahah yeah mom, they should be with all the polution we have trapped in this little basin.
Dried up sunflower & a sunset. I love West Point
The other night my brother, Eric, and I went out on the golf course to fly the plane for a lil bit. Once again, the sunset was unreal. It was a nice way to end the night; quality and beautiful nature.
Flying the plane with Eric.
The clear and beautiful sky from the night before set the stage for a good snow storm that night. After checking FB, i didnt even need to check out the window to know that it had snowed. People are such complainers! I loved it. Made for some pretty pictures... Nature is pretty cool AND pretty neat!
-Thanks "Me" & Rodney

"I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own." - Andy Warhol

The "newby" @ JDHgroup

I had just spent about $60 bones at the grocery store, now on my way home thinking to myself, "I need more money", when my cell phone rang.


"Kaitlyn! I am so glad you answered. This is Aunt Marty! I was just at a baby shower talking to the cutest girl and she mentioed that her company was looking for a new receptionist! You popped into my head. I tol her all about and that would do a great job, so here is her number...she is expecting a call from you."

ZING! Well if that didnt fall outta the sky and into my lap :]  I got on it. Called Rebecca @ JDHgroup the next  morning, and within 2 hours i was sitting there in the conference room looking the big bubble chairs, the sleek flatscreen on the wall, and the design exhibits they had done hanging on the wall. I wanted this job. I needed this job. Kyle and Rebecca walked back in the room and the interview began. I left feeling excited and nervous, but mostly excited.

"Alright Kaitlyn, we will give you a call", Kyle said as i left.

My desk, the bubble chairs, and most importantly: the picture of Coty as a mermaid in the bathroom. Yep, my job rocks.

Ugh. I hate waaaaiiiitttinnngg for calls. About 4 hours later my call came, quicker than expected! I went back in for a second interview the next day, and soon after that recieved that wonderful e-mail informing me of my new position at JDHgroup.

I have been working here for the last 3 weeks now and needless to say I have loved it! Since day one, each day has been something new. I am learning a ton and having a wonderful time. JDHgroup is a design company that creates just about anything that can be created. I feel blessed to work with such creative and fun people!

Happy Birthday Jeremy! Coty blasted him with a confetti gun!
For Christmas, JDHgroup is creating their own version of the board game "Clue" to send to our vendors/customers. We all dressed up in 1920's clothes and had a company photoshoot day...GOODTIMES! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

And now it's just me...

After the long day of travel, pictures, food, greetings, cake, sparklers, dancing and all that jazz, it was all actually over. 3 months previous, i would have said the day will never come fast enough with all the planning and arrangements that needed to be made, and it wasn't even my wedding! The day was beautiful, everything went according to plan, and the bride and groom left on cloud nine. After cleaning everything up and bringing things to a close I made my way home. As i  flopped onto my bed, the reality sunk in. Its just the parentals and I now. No one to blame unlocked doors, left out milk, dirty mirrors or tracked in dirt on. Just dad,  mom, and me.

I've grown up in Utah, born and raised. Since i can remember, my family has been close sharing personal experiences  lending and taking support, and helping one another through the journey of life. I have been blessed with the most amazing parents, Jon and Lisa. Along with them is my two older siblings. Andrea, who is married to Justin, and their two ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE kids Ava and Karsten, and Eric who was just recently married to lovely little Andrea (I know, 2 Andrea's, one family = confusion). 
Andrea, Karsten, Ava, & Justin
Eric & Andrea's wedding - September 2012

Anyhow! Now that everyone has left the nest, that leaves me as the last little birdy under dad and moms wings. "You going to be bored with just me and dad now that everyone is gone?", my mom asked. NO WAY! I plan to take full advantage of this new situation and find new things i love to fill and occupy my time. Being as this blog has been created for documentation of my new lifestyle, and also the fact that it's a school assignment for media writing, i will incorporate "trending topics" on social media and how they play into my own personal life.  

In Rhodes, Greece - November 2011
